
Tuhdimmat Tahdit: Battle Beast, Mokoma, Before The Dawn, Swallow The Sun, Wolfheart, Brymir ym.

la 17.06.2023

Artistit: Battle Beast, Before the Dawn, Mokoma, Brymir, Swallow the Sun, Wolfheart

Paikka: Ratinanniemi, Ratina, Tampere, Suomi


Liput: 59,90/99,90 € (1/2pv)€ (
Tuhdimmat Tahdit: Battle Beast, Mokoma, Before The Dawn, Swallow The Sun, Wolfheart, Brymir ym. la 17.06.2023   Artistit:  Battle Beast,  Before the Dawn,  Mokoma,  Brymir,  Swallow the Sun,  Wolfheart   Paikka: Ratinanniemi, Ratina, Tampere, Suomi   Tapahtuma:  Tuhdimmat Tahdit       Osta liput (59,90/99,90 € (1/2pv)€)       Liput: 59,90/99,90 € (1/2pv)€  (